People have a great appreciation for short-form, informative visual content. Due to this, there is a growing need for fast and high-quality design tools in today’s fast-paced digital world. is an AI-powered design tool that meets this need by providing users with a simple, effective solution to transform ideas into polished, professional designs quickly and easily.

How Works

Step 1: Starting with a Template

  • On their site, users begin by choosing from a variety of templates tailored for different design needs, such as invitations, posters, and postcards.

Step 2: Inputting Text and Images

  • Input texts describing the images or text you want created. Include details like colors, specific images, and exact dates and times of events.

Step 3: Customization and Fine-Tuning

  • You can make further adjustments and fine-tune the design to align it with your vision.

Putting It to the Test

I chose one of the poster templates and input the following text: Create a poster for a Start-up Convention in San Francisco from November 10-15, 2024. Include the activities and contact info. Use a tech-inspired color palette with blues, greens, and silvers. Add tech-related icons (e.g., code snippets, cloud computing symbols).

The tool generated four images; here are two of them:

I did not edit or fine-tune these images.

I tried another poster template and input the following text: Make a poster for a photo walking tour in Shanghai, China. Add that the tour starts on Beijing West Road on the 20th of September 2024. Include images of Shanghai’s skyline.

These are the four images generated from the prompt without any editing or fine-tuning on my end:

Who is For

The target audience for this tool includes marketers, social media managers, and small business owners. These users benefit from the need for fast, high-quality designs to meet tight deadlines or enhance brand presence, which provides. It’s ideal for creating promotional materials, social media posts, or quick design updates.

Pricing and Accessibility offers a freemium model that includes basic features for free (with 120 credits given per month), and premium options are available for more advanced capabilities.

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